
Lawyer Assisted Arbitration and/ or Arbitration for the Self Represented

Mediation is a method of resolving disputes with the assistance of a neutral third party also known as a mediator. It is a process designed to brainstorm and arrive at a settlement that fits your specific needs with minimal conflict and delay at a fraction of the cost. This is a voluntary process.

The arbitrator is a neutral third Party who has special training; many family law arbitrators are lawyers or other professionals with special family law training.

Arbitration is voluntary; it is appropriate in those cases where the Parties all agree to submit their dispute to arbitration, rather than engage in Court proceeding. In most cases, the Parties have decided that they cannot resolve the dispute among themselves or even with the help of a mediator.  As such, without having to go to Court, they want the Arbitrator to impose a decision that will be binding upon them, whether or not they like the decision rendered.

The range of issues to be resolved at the arbitration, the scope of the relief to be awarded and many of the procedural aspects of the arbitration is determined by the Parties and set out in a contract called the Arbitration Agreement. The Arbitrator’s scope of authority is limited by the contractual terms of the Arbitration Agreement.

At the end, the decision rendered by the Arbitrator is called an arbitral award. The arbitral award must be in accordance with principles of law and equity. It is legally enforceable and subject to limited appeal rights to, and review by, the Courts.

We offer lawyer assisted arbitration as well as arbitration for self represented individuals.